Horiseon Social Solution Services
Horiseon Social Solution Services Refactor

A refactor of Horiseon Social Solution Services website with a focus on accessibility, debugging, code consolidation, & implementing semantical html.

Getcha Fix Virtual Bar Trivia
Getcha Fix Virtual Bar Trivia

Virtual bar simulator that displays a Drink of the Moment card along with 5 classic recommended drinks from the developers. With a multiple choice trivia game where the user is asked 10 questions on numerous subjects. The user is told if they answered correctly/incorrectly then records and stores their score in local storage.

Working Day Planner
Working Day Planner

Working day planner that allows you to log, save, and clear your activities for each day. This app uses momoent.js to give it's user the current date and the time blocks change color to inform the user what blocks have passed (gray), what block it presently is (red), and what future blocks are still left (green).

Eat the Burger
Eat the Burger

This app is a burger logger made with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and ORM. It follows the MVC design pattern.
